It’s Time for New Leadership That Represents OUR Community!
Joe Reagan for Congress
Nonprofit Leader. Veteran. Father.
Joe’s 20+ years of experience leading change and teams across the defense, technology, and nonprofit sectors has shaped his views and prepared him to represent El Paso as they deserve to be. As a father of two, Joe is committed to seeing this community thrive and be a place where our children and grandchildren can thrive.
Get to Know Joe.
Joe Reagan has spent his career in service to others. After the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Joe felt called to serve and accepted a commission in the U.S. Army upon graduating from Norwich University, the oldest private military school in the country. Joe served two combat tours of duty in Afghanistan. During his first tour, Joe was injured by a suicide bomber and likely would have been killed had an Afghan guard not shielded Joe from the shrapnel. And while Joe lost Soldiers overseas in combat, he lost more on American soil to suicide.
After serving as an infantry officer in the U.S. Army, Joe transitioned to intelligence where he developed a deep understanding of the threats facing our nation including China’s growing influence on the world stage and Russia’s aggression towards former Soviet states.
After leaving active duty in the United States Army, Joe earned an MBA from the University of Virginia. His experience spans multiple industries ranging from healthcare to technology, national security and nonprofit work. His work as a nonprofit executive has been his most rewarding as a civilian and has allowed him to support Veterans and working families.
Join Joe.
Joe Reagan is ready to step up and bring the concerns of our community to Washington. Contribute today to help launch a new era of leadership in DC.